Officer Corps

Karishma Patel


Year: Senior

Majors: Public Policy and Sociology

+ Hear what she has to say

The Secretary-General oversees the day-to-day operations of the Officer Corps and the Secretariat. She acts as the point of contact between the Board of Directors and the nonprofit organization. She ensures that BMUN's vast operations are aligned with its overarching educational and philanthropic mission, continuing the 70-year legacy of innovation and excellence.

"MUN has taught me a lot about public speaking, improved my critical thinking skills, and exposed me to think on a global scale. It gives a unique hands on experience that allows students to view the world and global issues from various perspectives and approach impacting issues with a problem solving mindset. I'm so excited to provide this experience to other students and can't wait for BMUN LXXII!"

Alaina Delsignore

Chief of Staff

Year: Senior

Major: Rhetoric

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Chief of Staff teaches procedure and runs meetings for the BMUN secretariat. She oversees chair training, procedure tests, and weekly checklists with the USG of Research. Overall, their mission is to ensure that BMUN has well-prepared chairs to provide the best conference experience to delegates!

"I came into BMUN with no Model United Nations experience. I can confidently say that my lack of knowledge had no impact on my ability to assimilate into BMUN and take advantage of its opportunities. Not only have I learned more about international relations and issues, but I have had the pleasure of teaching high school students these same subjects from a critically constructive standpoint. I am beyond excited to see everyone at BMUN LXXIII!!"

Nicholas Angelici


Year: Junior

Major: Computer Science

+ Hear what he has to say

As Treasurer, Nick manages BMUN's expenses and revenues. This includes sending registration invoices, tracking internal spending, and setting the annual budget for each officer. Overall, the Treasurer ensures that each officer has the resources they need to run a successful conference.

"In entering my 7th year of Model United Nations, I can confidently attest to the program's ability to provide a student the means to become a better public speaker, academic writer, and critical thinker! It is a program that I have benefitted immensely from, and one that I am proud to be apart of. I am excited to see delegates debate and learn in BMUN LXXIII!"

Niveditha Sukesh

USG of Research

Year: Junior

Major: Molecular and Cell Biology

+ Hear what she has to say

The USG of Research manages BMUN's head chairs and helps them individually to prepare for conference. Assuring quality topic synopses for delegates and passionate head chairs is the mission of the USG of Research. As the backbone of BMUN, creating quality committees and preparing daises result in the best possible experience for delegates, which BMUN strives to do above all else. In addition, the USG of Research works to foster an internal culture of respect and passion for international relations.

"I joined BMUN because of my passion in research, education, and writing in international affairs. As USG of Research, I hope to help to further BMUN's mission of education by supporting the head chairs in creating a complete and thorough topic synopsis. Being able to work with each Head Chair and each committee is truly an honor like no other and I'm so grateful to be working alongside such an inspiring cohort of officers and secretariat members who also share a passion for the dissemination of education in all realms."

Mahima Shyno

USG of Outreach and Education

Year: Junior

Majors: Media Studies and Sociology

+ Hear what she has to say

Outreach and Education is at the heart of BMUN’s core mission. The staff hosts outreach sessions at local high schools, annual Delegate Workshops, and other events to help students throughout California establish and develop their MUN programs. It is dedicated to making MUN accessible by teaching students about international relations and leadership skills that will last beyond the committee rooms.

“BMUN’s core mission of educational equity through the channel of MUN has always inspired me, so to now serve as the USG of Education and Outreach, tasked with preserving this mission, is a great honor. MUN has made me more well-spoken, more passionate about world issues, and ultimately more confident in myself. We at BMUN are incredibly lucky to be able to provide this same experience to thousands of students across the world!"

Jaina Doshi

USG of External Relations

Year: Junior

Majors: Public Health and Psychology

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The USG of External Relations is the point of contact for schools and clubs interested in BMUN, responding to all email inquiries to info[at] Alaina communicates registration and conference-related information to advisors to ensure a smooth registration, pre-conference preparation, and conference experience. External also leads the registration check-in process on the days prior to the conference.

"I came into BMUN with no Model United Nations experience. I can confidently say that my lack of knowledge had no impact on my ability to assimilate into BMUN and take advantage of its opportunities. Not only have I learned more about international relations and issues, but I have had the pleasure of teaching high school students these same subjects from a critically constructive standpoint. I am beyond excited to see everyone at BMUN LXXII!!"

Eric Pan

USG of Administration

Year: Senior

Majors: History and Political Science

+ Hear what he has to say

The USG of Administration handles a myriad of tasks to ensure that conference runs smoothly! Some of these tasks include the updating of the Berkeley Model United Nations website, overseeing committee assignments and handling storage and inventory. Other tasks also vary based on the needs of the officer corps.

"I was introduced to Model United Nations fairly early in middle school and I only participated for a few years in high school. However, I am very grateful that I was able to continue with Model United Nations in college. BMUN has given me the opportunity to expand my passion for international affairs and it has given me the chance to deepen my research skills, critical thinking, and confidence! I am so excited to share my love and passion for Model United Nations at BMUN LXXII."

Taylor Lang

USG of Logistics

Year: Junior



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The USG of Logistics spearheads organizational operations and event execution on behalf of BMUN. There is a lot of behind-the-scenes work to ensure conference is ready for over 2000 students every March. More specifically, Logistics works with the campus administration to reserve conference venues and committee rooms and coordinate safety and regulation of the event, among other responsibilities. She also works to train our secretariat for event safety properly and manages all of their scheduling.

"Model United Nations was a fundamental part of my high school experience and has ultimately lead me to where I am today! I am so happy that I get to continue sharing the benefits of Model UN with students from all across the world via BMUN! Without Model UN, I feel like I wouldn't have been able to find my voice, passion, and future career! I am so excited to work to make these programs more accessible for all because I know how valuable they are for young people's development! I can't wait to share all the amazing things we have to offer with BMUN LXXII!!"

Vernika Gupta

USG of Organizations and Philanthropy

Year: Sophomore

Majors: Political Science and Economics

+ Hear what she has to say

The USG of Organizations and Philanthropy works to broaden all partnerships between BMUN and external organizations, whether that be with transportation, food or hotel connections. At the core of the position, Vernika works with our conference cause to continue BMUN's mission of educational equity. Beyond local partnerships, our USG of Organizations and Philanthropy fosters relationships with international MUN conferences with past destinations including China, India, and Malta.

"Model UN has become an integral part of my life for the past 7 years, and I could not be more grateful for what it has taught me. From public speaking to research, MUN has helped me grow in all aspects of my life and taught me fundamental life skills. I cannot wait to spread that knowledge and preserve BMUN's mission of educational equity! To BMUN 73!!!"

Shaan Pathak

USG of Events

Year: Junior

Majors: Economics and Legal Studies

+ Hear what he has to say

The USG of Events organizes and serves as the Secretary General of our Fall Conference, a crisis-oriented mini-conference (hosted in November). This conference is designed to help delegates learn and practice MUN procedure in preparation of BMUN. Shaan also organizes our Saturday night event during BMUN Conference in order to enhance the delegate experience.

"Model United Nations made me a better communicator, writer, and leader. Before I started my MUN journey in high school, I wasn't very confident and I was afraid to meet new people. However, I see now that Model UN has given me the tools to succeed, both professionally and academically. BMUN is a powerful vehicle for delegates to improve and hone their public speaking and research skills, allowing them to be more confident versions of themselves. I give back and help run such an amazing conference because I want to be a positive change in delegate's lives. Welcome to BMUN LXXI!"

Janna Lee

USG of Publications

Year: Sophomore

Majors: Environmental Economics & Policy and Political Science

+ Hear what she has to say

The USG of Publications is responsible for all things design, both digital and printed, when it comes to BMUN. Whether it be designing pamphlets for recruitment or outreach, employing the Office of Public Information during conference, or printing all materials necessary for BMUN to function, Publications is essential to the logistical success of BMUN. Serving as the manager of publications, the USG of Publications plays a substantial role in how BMUN’s published materials reach its intended audience: Delegates!

"Being a part of BMUN has been an incredible journey of growth and discovery for me. Within this supportive community, I've had the opportunity to explore my passions and interests firsthand. BMUN isn't just an organization; it's a family united by our shared commitment to education and global awareness. Together, we strive to make Model United Nations accessible to students nationwide, inspiring them to uncover their own passions and make meaningful contributions. Through my involvement with BMUN, I've gained invaluable insights into my own strengths and interests. It's a privilege to be part of such a dynamic and inspiring community, and I'm grateful for the opportunities it continues to provide me."

Ted Kim

USG of Technology

Year: Senior

Major: Computer Science

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The USG of Technology leads the team that develops BMUN’s technology platforms, including Huxley, BMUN’s conference management system. This responsibility involves ensuring that important components of BMUN that rely on these platforms, from registration to grading, run as smoothly as possible. Furthermore, the USG of Technology is also tasked with developing new features, including tools for committees during conference, that will help improve the BMUN experience for delegates and advisors.

"BMUN has been a memorable aspect of my college experience. It's wonderful to hear delegates speak passionately about global issues and embrace the spirit of diplomacy. I hope from the technology side that we are able to serve the delegates and advisors well as we approach BMUN LXXIII!"

Brayden Matejka

USG of Internal Relations

Year: Sophomore

Majors: Astrophysics and Physics

+ Hear what he has to say

The USG of Internal Relations is tasked with keeping the secretariat of BMUN connected and motivated. Through planning social events, secretariat retreats, banquets, and professional development opportunities, the USG of Internal Relations ensures that every member of BMUN is cared for and has all of the support they need to put their best work into running one of the largest MUN conferences in the world.

"BMUN is full of successful yet down-to-earth supportive people who are knowledgeable about the world around them. Because of the community MUN provides, we are encouraged to be actively knowledgeable about the world around us. That's what we try to teach too! In that process, I have no doubt improved so many of my skills including writing, researching, speaking, and arguably the most important, empathy. BMUN encourages us to think about the students we teach, the people we learn about, and the friends we make. I am so excited to be an even bigger part of BMUN next year!"

Maia Hernandez

USG of Media and Alumni Relations

Year: Junior

Majors: Molecular & Cell Biology and Public Health

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USG of Media and Alumni Relations (MARs) works on upholding the outward appearance and quality of BMUN, namely managing online content, crafting videos, and taking pictures for our events throughout the year. MARs is also responsible for maintaining a strong relationship with our alumni and facilitating communication between them and the secretariat.

BMUN has provided me the platform to not only build my research, collaboration, and public speaking skills but also directly help students become committed and perceptive leaders. Not to mention, BMUN's skilled and amazing secretariat has created a community I'm so proud to be apart of, and this makes me all the more grateful for the opportunity to help make BMUN LXXIII happen!