Preparation Timeline — Berkeley Model United Nations


Registration is the first step to successfully participating in BMUN's conference. In order to register, you must have an adult advisor from your school, most likely a teacher or administrator, who will accompany you to the conference.

You may register at

Country Assignments

BMUN works to emulate the spirit of the United Nations by giving each delegation an equal voice in committee. We do not believe that being assigned a P5 nation or another country deemed more powerful than others should give a delegation an advantage over another.

As such, BMUN conducts assignments on a first-come, first-served basis. This means that the sooner that a team submits its registration materials, the better its chances of being assigned a country/countries of its choice are. That being said, if your school does not receive your top choice in assignments, we still have full faith that your delegates will be able to prepare and perform on an equal footing with any other delegation at BMUN.

When choosing the ten countries for your country preferences on Huxley, it may be helpful to consider some of these criteria for your team:

  • What would you like your group to learn from the experience? Which of the countries would help you to satisfy this learning experience?

  • How much of a challenge do each of the countries pose for your team?

  • How familiar are members of your team within the countries or region that you have chosen?

  • Are there any relations between the countries that you have chosen that could help foster research for the entire team?

After thoroughly narrowing your list of country preferences down to your ten and submitting your registration application, you will receive an automatic notification from us confirming your registration status. Please note that this does not mean that your country preferences have been finalized.

Our team manually reviews your team’s country preferences and the availability of spots left. Then, we will be releasing the country assignments in rounds in accordance with when your
team registered and paid the deposit.

Position Paper Deadlines

BMUN uses two separate Position Paper deadlines.

The first deadline is February 12th for research awards based on the student's writing and research ability.

The second deadline is February 19th for all committee awards. Students who do not submit their position papers by this deadline are not qualified for awards.

Extensions on position papers are granted on an as-needed basis at the discretion of the head chair of each committee. To find contact information for each committee, please visit here.